Saturday, May 2, 2009

Show and Tell

Show and Tell. Pictures show and words tell. Thats the way it is in modern art, and probably the way it will continue. McCloud makes the distinction between the written word and visual art, and talks about how over time they have become used together less and less in different art forms. He uses what people would call 'high art' as an example for this. Painters use pictures to 'show' their meaning and writers use words to 'tell' their meaning, and it is not very often in art that these two mediums combine to create 'art'. He says that comics are the main form that allows pictures and the written word to come together to create meaning. Some would not agree that comics are a form of art, or definitely not high art, but I think that the term 'art' can be used very loosely, and nearly anything that is produced, that evokes some kind of emotion or reaction in a person can be considered as art. 

That is why I think that I am able to use something as bizarre as Lolcats as an example of a visual and text coming together equally to create a meaning. I don't think anyone would consider a Lolcats picture as high art, but it definitely uses words and images equally and is very effective at creating emotion and humour.

You cannot say that this picture does not evoke some sort of emotion and feeling. Seriously, its hilarious. And because it is so hilarious and creates such emotion, it is art. The picture itself is funny enough, because the way it is captured, but with the use of text, it gives it another whole level of meaning and a much deeper feeling. 

Lolcats, may only be an Internet meme, but I think it perfectly captures what McCloud is trying to say about how images and words, are not often used together in art, but can be combined to create another level of meaning.

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