Thursday, March 5, 2009

Manifesto for Growth

Begin anywhere- I think this is a big one, coming up with ideas, not even good ideas, is a very hard thing to do. I know that I and probably most people try to think of the perfect thing first go, and they end up coming up with nothing. They can sit for hours with a blank piece of paper because they are trying to start at the top. Beginning anywhere and brainstorming is a very powerful tool, and it leads to great things.

Harvesting ideas-  I think this really feeds off the 'Begin Anywhere' statement. Harvesting as many ideas as you can gives you a much bigger group to choose from when you actually want to start working on the idea. Even when you think that you come up with an idea that could be 'the one', the idea is to keep brainstorming because that idea could end up falling on its ass and you may end up with nothing. Or you may come up with something even better than your first idea.

Slow down- This is an aspect that I really think is true. It doesn't matter if you slow down by taking your time with an idea. Not rush into anything. Take more breaks. Because I think that rushing into an idea can end up being a very poor decision. This goes along with 'Harvesting ideas', because i think that the brainstorming phase is very crucial. If you rush that and start working on one idea too fast, then you leave yourself closed into anything else that can come along.

I think another big thing that wasn't mentioned is to not be afraid of cutting your losses, or changing your mind and going in a completely different direction. But this can be dangerous, I think again to make this decision you would have to apply the 'slow down' rule again. Although it is a good idea to change direction some times, its not a good idea to do it too quickly. One would need to stop and think before acting. Because you might find a slightly different direction with the same idea that you had, that works perfectly.

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